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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Annabelle Candy Company Enhances Business Processes With SYSPRO

Annabelle Candy Company began operations some 62 years ago when a Russian immigrant began making candy bars in his San Francisco kitchen and selling them outside local movie theatres. Today, the company, named for the immigrant’s daughter, Annabelle, operates in the San Francisco East Bay City of Hayward, California. It produces such brands as Rocky Road, Abba Zaba and Big Hunk and is set to expand its distribution activities from the West Coast to all of the US.

The Challenge
In order to facilitate growth and comply with FDA rules, the company needed to computerize and automate inventory tracking as well as accounting operations, which were being performed manually. After an extensive search, the company selected SYSPRO Enterprise Resource Planning software.

The Solution
SYSPRO’s Cash Book enables Annabelle to optimize cash management with system-wide bank reconciliation information on cash inflows and outflows. By providing complete enterprise-wide financial recording, analysis and reporting from all aspects of the business, the General Ledger module gives Annabelle a real-time view of corporate performance.

Annabelle controls inventories and optimizes stock levels via the Purchase Orders module, which also lets the company monitor quality, lead times and costs of purchases in addition to providing comprehensive supplier performance analysis.

With sales activity data from the Sales Analysis module, Annabelle gains a total picture of sales performance as well as sales profitability and sales forecasting.

The Bill of Materials module also facilitates an accurate expected cost against which to track actual production costs. The complete bill forms the basis for material and capacity planning, shop floor control and costing.

The Result
President and CEO Susan Karl and Vice President of Finance Shelly Craft have attributed much of the company’s rapid growth to their SYSPRO ERP implementation. In fact, the company’s rapid growth in the western United States is now encouraging the company to expand nationally. Karl and Craft are proud of their choice of SYSPRO and can relate the operational improvements the company has realized since the software’s implementation.

Learn more at the SYSPRO Newsroom.

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