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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Buffalo Electric Supply Improves Process Control With Savance

In business since 1954, Birmingham-based Buffalo Electric Supply is an independent, full-service distributor of wholesale electrical products and tools for contractors, industrial end users, and the general public. The company’s electrical supply store, which specializes in industrial, commercial, and residential wholesale electrical products, is known for its stocked inventory, flexible delivery schedule, and personalized service.

In order to meet customer needs in an ever-changing market, the company needed a new ERP solution. Vice President Patrick McCarroll explains: "The previous software was run on an older operating system that had no ability to tie into an e-commerce platform in the future."

“We knew we were looking for a future-proof, easy-to-use software package that offered great support from the software provider,” McCarroll says. Other criteria included affordability, copy/paste functionality, and the ability to mass-upload inventory changes. E-commerce, of course, was another important area.

After an extensive search, Buffalo Electric Supply made the decision to select Savance. "Being able to pick up the phone and get an answer in a timely manner is something I very much appreciate when it comes to Savance." McCarroll says. Since implementing Savance Enterprise, Buffalo Electric Supply has seen improved process controls, as well as greater accuracy when it comes to inventory and pricing. The product’s ease-of-use has also lead to staff operating much more efficiently. Reporting is another area where Buffalo Electric has seen major improvements. “Savance made the SPA process with manufacturers much more manageable,” McCarroll explains. "For the cost, you can’t find a better software solution. The service and response time is top-notch."

To read more, visit the Savance Newsroom.

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Developed through a partnership with Industrial Supply, Contractor Supply Magazine and Brown Smith Wallace Advisory Services, these 12 page Supplement Guides provide valuable, independently researched information. Each Guide details software company information, identifies vertical markets, highlights functions and technology features, new developments to the software package, shows graphs of the user range, basic entry price point, sales channel (how and where the software is sold), along with company contact information. The Supplement Guides provide everything you need to know when beginning your software selection and evaluation process.

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