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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Neff Power Uses Tour de Force To Track And Analyze Sales Opportunities

Founded in 1965, Neff Power, Inc. is an Industrial Automation Distributor located in St. Louis, Missouri. Their primary focus is Electrical Control, Motion Control, and Fluid Power. Neff Power currently has 24 employees using the Tour de Force solution.

In addition to the CRM and Sales Force Automation features in Tour de Force, Neff Power has found that they get the biggest benefit from the integration to their TrulinX ERP system. Kevin Hogarth, Operations Manager for Neff Power, explains that “I can go into Tour de Force, and I can see all bookings yesterday for a specific number of territories, then I can drill down into other information that I need, look at open orders, open items, sales history, inquiries, etc. We also look at who are our biggest losers, biggest winners, our accounts that are up, and our accounts that are down."

In the last several years, Neff Power has been able to move from strictly MRO type sales to more specialized larger projects. The addition of new product lines has given them an ideal mix of vendors that allows them to offer total system solutions to their customers. Tour de Force has contributed to this shift by giving Neff Power the ability to track and analyze their opportunities. They use the advanced profiling and filtering capabilities of Tour de Force to identify buying trends within their existing customer base, and then use that information to market their products and services to similar businesses.

With the addition of Tour de Force and TrulinX to their arsenal, and the increasing ability to provide total system solutions to their customers, Neff Power has been able to avoid feeling the repercussions of the recent economic turmoil. Hogarth states, “Tour de Force gives you a benchmark and shows you your goals, rather than just flying blind. We look at it and see which areas we need to improve in, so it’s a really good feedback device.”

To learn more, visit the Tour de Force Newsroom.

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