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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

KSM Stainless Steel Enhances Customer Experience With Shoptech

For many job shops and fabricators, time is of the essence. But there’s nothing quite like working with the entertainment industry to really understand how much a system like Shoptech's E2 can both catapult your business and keep you sane within a time of massive growth.

Lisa Burgess, President and Owner of KSM Stainless Steel Fabricators near Vancouver, British Columbia knows all too well the aggressive time lines the movie and TV show industry will impose on her team’s projects. “Every job is a rush. Instead of weeks to plan, develop and create a custom piece, we sometimes get just days,” said Lisa. " Because nearly everything we do is custom and is requested and then expected so quickly, we field daily calls from our customers asking the status of their project.

Of course, it wasn’t always like that. Like many shops, it was a sea of hand-written notes, spreadsheets and multiple systems that never really worked hand-in-hand. “To answer project status questions back then, we had to go out on the floor, find the order, talk to multiple employees — it was time consuming, to say the least.” As for the growth of the company, Lisa believes along with investments in equipment, implementing E2 was a key factor in their success.

KSM also works with fine artists and businesses as well. “Many of our customers’ projects have small parts and pieces and we still like having a paper that travels with that part as it makes it less susceptible to loss,” said Lisa. “It’s nice that E2 is flexible and can adapt to some of the ‘old ways’ when necessary.” Whether they’re creating blockbuster movie set pieces or an intricate metal puzzle, KSM has found a way to adapt to the unique customers they serve and the impossible time lines they are given.

To read more, visit the Shoptech website.

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