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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

ALP Lighting Gains Big Data Insights with Phocas

ALP Lighting manufactures and distributes Lighting Components to OEM Lighting fixture manufacturers across the globe. With six manufacturing plants and three distribution facilities, ALP has about 1,000 customers and nearly 10,000 different SKUs. The Chief Operating Officer of ALP Lighting, David Brown, shares some key comments about Phocas Business Intelligence Software and the benefits it has brought to ALP.
  • “We tried using other BI tools and most were just too complex for users. We had several home grown data retrieval systems that served us well but they were slow and inflexible. Phocas opened a whole new world of data accessibility for us”.
  • “Phocas does so much for our staff. The sales people love it because it is incredibly easy to use and they have detailed information at their fingertips. How much volume have we done in a given territory? How does it compare to the prior period? Which customers are up? Down? Which product lines are up? Down? What are the margins by customer or by product line, product class, or individual SKU? Phocas makes information so easily available that we operate in a different manner than before! We have different expectations about what people should know about their areas of responsibility”.
  • “The information that we get from Phocas allows us to make better business decisions. In fact, Phocas information is a staple in all of our meetings. We are even planning to use Phocas externally in the near future – in meetings with customers and suppliers”.
  • “Of all the tools we evaluated, Phocas was the most reasonably priced and its ease of use makes it incredibly effective. This will be by far the easiest to implement, most usable business intelligence system you will find. Phocas is Business intelligence that you can actually use”.
To learn more about Phocas Business Intelligence, and read additional case studies, white papers, and customer reviews, visit the Phocas Newsroom.

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