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Friday, March 29, 2013

How Can Distribution Software Help Optimize Inventory Levels?

How can distributors better optimize their inventory levels? There’s no question that distribution software plays a big role. A wholesale distributor is an integration of seven different functional areas — sales support, office administration, warehouse distribution, purchase, operations, finance and human relations. Each of these departments play a role is sourcing.

ERP systems can anticipate customer needs. CRM software is the communication pipeline between the customer and the company. It’s the vital link between the customer and the sales, purchasing and other areas of management. The big payoff from using CRM, though, is maintaining inventory levels for customers. Inventory levels can be adjusted in response to changing customer needs, avoiding housing excessive stock and stock-outs. ERP systems can track vendor lead times, predict customer usage rates based on past history and calculate safety stock.

To learn more about how to maximize distribution software, and take advantage of its capabilities, read the rest of the article on the Advanced Distribution Today blog.

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