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Friday, July 20, 2007

What makes the best companies the best?

By Steve Epner – Founder, BSW Consulting, Inc.

What makes the best companies the best? It is sometimes common sense. It is sometimes a competitive secret. It is always something done well. The next four entries will explore some of the ideas I have seen over the years.

The best companies all have a clear vision of who they are and what they are all about. It has nothing to do with technology, but everything to do with success. Everyone in the organization understands the mission and is ready and willing to support it. Just like the difference between light from a standard lamp and light from a laser. One is unfocused and goes everywhere. The other is extremely focused and can cut steel.

Make sure you can clearly state your strategy. Ask your managers and staff if they can explain the strategy to you? If they cannot tell you what it is, how can they implement it? Take the time to make sure it is clear – to you and everyone else. Then live by it. Use it as a filter when making decisions of what to do. An unused strategy is worse than none at all. It will give you a false sense of security.

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