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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tradeware Leverages Distribution Data With Phocas BI

As a hardware distributor, Tradeware needs to ensure that orders can be met on time without excess stock sitting in the warehouse for extended periods of time. “We import a range of products from overseas”, says Chris Rath, Operations Manager for Tradeware, “where we need to order them months in advance."

Reliable, timely information from Phocas BI allows Tradeware to supply top quality products and customer service. Says Rath, "The great thing about Phocas is that it not only keeps us up to date on what's currently happening, but helps us understand where we were a year ago as well as plan and forecast what's coming up in the next few months in terms of products and promotions."

With Phocas, Tradeware staff are able to drill down to the individual product level or sales rep and see how they are performing across different territories and customers. “In an instant we can go back three months to see which customers have dropped off or compare sales this year to the same period last year, identifying issues we may have missed." says Rath. All of the sales force use Phocas BI in the field and by having all their sales and historical data stored in the system, Tradeware doesn’t lose vital information about a customer when they need to replace a sales rep. It’s simply a matter of giving the new rep access to the information and they can drill down to see what has been happening in their territory and with their customers.

To learn more about Phocas BI and read additional case studies, visit the Phocas Newsroom.

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