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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Distribution One Offers Guidance On ERP Implementation

Are you stuck on the “When” of ERP implementation? If you’re having difficulty selecting the timing, you are not alone. Many distributors postpone ERP hoping that some sign will reveal the perfect time to implement. The justifications are fairly common:
•We’ll wait until the new fiscal year
•We’ll schedule it for our slow period
•We’ll do it after we finish hiring
•Maybe after the holidays?

Rationalizations drive delays. Yet without the improvements of interconnected ERP software, days, weeks, and months equate to lost opportunities for compounding savings, productivity, and growth. Remember that the longer implementation is put off, the longer your company will be mired in redundant, inefficient processes. Honestly ask yourself these questions:

• Are the sales staff producing at the highest levels using my current system?
• Are the warehouse quantities and locations reliable?
• Is the sales, customer, and inventory data easily accessible for users in or out of the office?
• Are sales and purchasing projections based on real-time data?
• Does my current productivity, pricing, and turnaround deliver maximum competitive advantage?

If you answered “no” to any of these, it’s a good indication that you have already recognized the need for ERP and should make plans to forge ahead. You already know that your current manual method or legacy system isn’t providing the necessary tools for your company to succeed.

For over 20 years, Distribution One has successfully helped hundreds of distributors find their “best time” for the ERP implementation process. To learn more, visit the Distribution One Newsroom.

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