Drogen took a step-by-step approach in its migration to Savance Enterprise, to avoid disruption of daily business activities. The company quickly found that the Savance solution worked seamlessly with its existing system, providing much needed improvements in data access on the back end – with no disruptions to its day-to-day business activities.
The more Drogen explored the Savance ERP solution, the more potential benefits the company saw. From wireless inventory functionality to Web-based capabilities for sales staff to customer access to accounts, Savance Enterprise seemed like a natural fit. Ultimately, the benefits led the company to take steps toward a complete migration to Savance Enterprise. "Savance guaranteed us they could bring over 12 years of our Array data during the change, and they did not disappoint", Drogen VP Chris Puerile says. "The system is very extensive and every day we are finding new ways for it to support our business".
Read more on the Savance Newsroom. http://www.savanceenterprise.com/testimonials
New Software Research Guides Available
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Please contact snelson@bswllc.com for more information about these latest editions.
For 2017 Distribution Software Guide: http://www. software4distributors.com/ downloads/2017_Distribution_ Software_Guide.pdf?utm_source= DownloadInteractive&utm_ medium=Blog&utm_campaign= 2017DSG
For 2017 Manufacturing Software Guide: http://www. software4distributors.com/ downloads/2017_Manufacturing_ Software_Guide.pdf?utm_source= DownloadInteractive&utm_ medium=Blog&utm_campaign= 2017MFG
Visit our website to learn more about the Brown Smith Wallace Advisory Services<http://www. software4distributors.com/> and to use our Software Features Comparison Wizard<http://www. software4distributors.com/ compare/default.aspx>.
Want to know how the software's features and functions can assist you?
Please contact snelson@bswllc.com for more information about these latest editions.
For 2017 Distribution Software Guide: http://www.
For 2017 Manufacturing Software Guide: http://www.
Visit our website to learn more about the Brown Smith Wallace Advisory Services<http://www.
Also, read our 2017 Mid-Year Supplements. http://www. software4distributors.com/ downloads/2017_Mid_Year_ Supplement.pdf.
Developed through a partnership with Industrial Distribution, Industrial Supply, Contractor Supply Magazine and Brown Smith Wallace Advisory Services, these 12 page Supplement Guides provide valuable, independently researched information. Each Guide details software company information, identifies vertical markets, highlights functions and technology features, new developments to the software package, shows graphs of the user range, basic entry price point, sales channel (how and where the software is sold), along with company contact information. The Supplement Guides provide everything you need to know when beginning your software selection and evaluation process.
Developed through a partnership with Industrial Distribution, Industrial Supply, Contractor Supply Magazine and Brown Smith Wallace Advisory Services, these 12 page Supplement Guides provide valuable, independently researched information. Each Guide details software company information, identifies vertical markets, highlights functions and technology features, new developments to the software package, shows graphs of the user range, basic entry price point, sales channel (how and where the software is sold), along with company contact information. The Supplement Guides provide everything you need to know when beginning your software selection and evaluation process.
Visit our website to learn more about the Brown Smith Wallace Advisory Services and to use our Software Features Comparison Wizard.
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