Zeller’s IT Manager Janet Martinez says, “Phocas changed the game. Once we saw its capabilities and competitive pricing structure, we knew that Phocas offered the functionality, flexibility and business insight we were looking for. Critically, the depth of business intelligence was matched by simplicity of use.”
Training needs were minimal. Zeller employees were able to operate the system from the moment it went live. “Our CEO has been using it since day one,” says Martinez. “It allows him to slice and dice the numbers in ways that are meaningful to our business, and gives a multi-faceted overview of what’s happening internally, and how we are meeting our customers’ needs.”
Before Phocas, Martinez was the only member of the Zeller team able to query the business data, forcing her to produce 13 reports every month. This represented a major time investment and delivered static, snapshot, data with no analytical capabilities. Today, 20 members of the Zeller team, including branch managers, sales staff and senior management, access the company’s data in real time, with the ability to drill down and transform it into information that helps to drive productivity and profitability.
Ongoing support from the Phocas team is uncovering new potential for Zeller. “Phocas is already proving itself a priceless business asset, but the more we use it, the more ways we find to use it,” adds Martinez. “With sales and forecasting now in place, we are looking to add open orders and inventory data so we can bring the same level of visibility to these areas. We are also looking to open it up to more users, bringing the power of real time information to our sales teams on the road. Whatever we need, the Phocas team makes it happen. The sky’s the limit.”
To read more and learn about how Phocas can help your business, visit the Case Studies section of the Phocas website.
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Developed through a partnership with Industrial Distribution, Industrial Supply, Contractor Supply Magazine and Brown Smith Wallace Advisory Services, these 12 page Supplement Guides provide valuable, independently researched information. Each Guide details software company information, identifies vertical markets, highlights functions and technology features, new developments to the software package, shows graphs of the user range, basic entry price point, sales channel (how and where the software is sold), along with company contact information. The Supplement Guides provide everything you need to know when beginning your software selection and evaluation process.
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