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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cloud Computing: Managing Security and Data Privacy with Acumatica

As a provider of Cloud ERP (enterprise resource planning), Acumatica is acutely aware of the concerns customers have when it comes to utilizing an external provider for hosting and data storage.

Because Acumatica was built from the ground up to exist in a hosted environment in the cloud, the solution was developed with security in mind. Any browser-based application must utilize strong data encryption techniques to ensure the safety of all data between the client browser and the server-based data store. Ensuring that at least 2048-bit SSL encryption is used in any session based browser application is key. But there are more issues to consider when thinking about data security and data privacy, many of which simply come down to best practices in data handling.

The weakest link in any information exchange involving human interaction is the people. Many of the most common breaches of data privacy and security come down to insufficient understanding of the topic by the people handling that data. Information systems security and techniques such as encryption can partially be mitigate this factor, but every organization has a responsibility to train its people on the effective handling of private and sensitive data.

To learn more about Acumatica's Cloud ERP solutions and best practices for training and development of staff in the areas of security and privacy, visit the Acumatica News Blog.

The 2013 Brown Smith Wallace Distribution and Manufacturing Software Guides are currently available for download. The 2014 edition will be available in April, 2014. Please contact for more information.

You can also request these guides, as well as all other materials, via our website:

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