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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bhagwan Marine Sets Sail with Pronto Software

Pronto Software, a developer of next generation Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that integrates with advanced Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, has been selected to provide business management software to Bhagwan Marine, a rapidly expanding specialized oil and gas industry services company. Bhagwan Marine will be implementing the new Pronto Xi 710 software, featuring integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) and business intelligence (BI) to support its on- and off-shore operations.

Bhagwan provides critical logistics support to the resources and offshore oil and gas industry in Northern Australia through marine and port services. The company operates a fleet of 100 vessels, ranging from high-speed crew and cargo transfer vessels, to landing crafts and dive support workboats and employs approximately 700 staff spread across four locations.

Bhagwan’s reporting operations had become difficult, time-consuming and a mostly completely manual process. In addition, reliable and accurate vessel, customer and project data, and profitability analysis, was extremely problematic to develop as it was being managed in disparate Excel databases. Pronto Xi 710’s integrated ERP and BI reporting capabilities proved the best fit thanks to innovative automated functionalities as well as Pronto’s Project Costing capability.

Pronto Software will provide the Bhagwan senior executive team with faster access to key business information such as data on individual vessels, repair costs and labour hours needed for repairs. Information relating to specific sites and vessels will also be made available to various operational teams and managers, arming them with more detailed data to use in decision-making.

To learn more about the Bhagwan implementation, visit Pronto News.

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