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Friday, July 5, 2013

eCommerce and the Supply Chain Management plan

A recent article in Industrial Supply magazine reports that e-commerce first arrived on the distribution scene in the late 1990s, yet only 25 to 35 percent of distributors have an e-commerce capability today. E-commerce is a useful tool, as it allows consumers to make purchases anytime, anyplace, among other advantages.

Wholesale distributors have some choices if they want to use e-commerce as part of their supply chain management strategy, one of which is to just make it a service for their existing customers. That way, customers can order 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the website. That can be done very crisply with the right distribution software. ERP software is well-suited to seamless e-commerce and can be purchased by the distributor. One strategy is for distributors is to buy, rent or lease the best available interface that they can afford, one that works seamlessly with their distribution software.

To read more of the article, visit the Advanced Distribution Today blog.

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