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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Big Data Analysis Could Bring Supply Chain Insights

In a recent article from The Electrical Distributor magazine, James Cooke explains how unanalyzed data can provide a treasure trove of information. Advances in computer hardware and software now make it possible to pour through those heaps of data, both structured (residing in conventional databases) and unstructured (which lies in information repositories such as email accounts or social media networks). A number of software vendors, from big names like IBM to smaller, specialized companies, have begun developing special applications that can sift through “big data” to spot patterns and find hidden cause-and-effect relationships.

Although big data analysis can be applied to all functions of the business from marketing to finance, it’s particularly promising for the supply chain. For starters, this type of analysis could be used to make connections between other aspects of their business that impact transportation and warehouse operations. For example, sifting through shipping records might discover a link between a particular type of packaging and product damage that occurs during shipping. To read more, visit the TED website.

The Brown Smith Wallace Industrial Distribution, Industrial Manufacturing, and Contractor Supply software supplements have recently been updated. Visit our website to download your copy!

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