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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Improve Scheduling, Production, and Quality with Epicor Express

Epicor Express is a comprehensive software system for all types of discrete manufacturers. Whether you are in business as a stamping firm that makes standard products sold from inventory or a job shop that makes complex, multi-assembly custom products that involve numerous sub-contractors and iterations with the customer, Express can easily accommodate your unique requirements. 

The advantages for small and mid-sized manufacturers include minimal upfront and reasonable ongoing investment, the elimination of traditional ERP barriers (e.g., implementation, system maintenance, upgrade and migrations), and enabling focus on a company’s core business rather than IT issues. All of this facilitates capacity for growth. For more information on how cloud-based Epicor Express can help your small business, visit the Epicor blog.

The Brown Smith Wallace 2012 Mid-Year Supplements are available. Visit our website to download your copy!

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