With millions of parts on hand and extensive sourcing capabilities, their longevity in the aerospace industry is due to their customer service, dependability and product knowledge. Says Sam Anderson, President said, “Since implementing The Business Edge™ from Computer Insights we have been able to maximize our customer service because we have all the information at our fingertips. Not only can we see what parts are available, but we also have immediate access to the Certifications that are available with each part. The Certifications automatically go out with the parts each time they are shipped. Additionally, if the customer loses the Certs, a quick call or e-mail will get the Certs replaced immediately. We have instant access to all the Certs for products that have been shipped with complete lot control and traceability.”
Sam also added, “With The Business Edge™ we found that we are able to keep much better track of our inventory and usage. The result is that our in-stock percentage of often used products has improved dramatically, while we reduced our overall investment in inventory. The system even has an interface to ILSmart.com (an inventory sourcing network) so that we can more easily find the rarer parts.”
Learn more about Computer Insights and The Business Edge by visiting their website.
For the 2020 Distribution and Manufacturing Software Guide:
Visit our website to learn more about the Brown Smith Wallace Advisory Services at http://www.software4distributors.com and to use our Vertical Markets Matrix, visit http://www.software4distributors.com/compare/default.aspx.
Also, read our 2019 Mid-Year Supplements at http://www.software4distributors.com/downloads/2019_Mid_Year_Supplement_Blog.pdf?utm_source=DownloadPDF&utm_medium=Blog&utm_campaign=2019Supp.
Developed through a partnership with Industrial Supply, Contractor Supply Magazine and Brown Smith Wallace Advisory Services, these 12 page Supplement Guides provide valuable, independently researched information. Each Guide details software company information, identifies vertical markets, highlights functions and technology features, new developments to the software package, shows graphs of the user range, basic entry price point, sales channel (how and where the software is sold), along with company contact information. The Supplement Guides provide everything you need to know when beginning your software selection and evaluation process.
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