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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Creager Mercantile Increases Sales With Blue Link ERP

Established in 1958, Creager Mercantile is a locally owned and family operated wholesale grocery distributor. Located in Denver, Colorado, the business provides customers nationwide with access to a variety of products including beverages, candy, grocery, Mexican candy and products, vaporizers, tobacco, automotive products, gift shop supply and more.

As a growing business, Creager was stuck trying to automate processes and reduce manual work. The company’s existing software was supported by a single individual, making it difficult to get work done and receive the support required. In addition, Creager was struggling to manage its warehouse operations and adhere to government requirements around selling Tobacco products. Lots of time was spent at the company on manual processes instead of on growing the business.

The solution for Creager Mercantile was to work with Blue Link ERP - not only to address existing inefficiencies, but to also provide new opportunities for company growth and automation. As a result of implementing Blue Link, Creager was able to:
  • increase the number of online orders and sales orders (phone and email) by 50%,
  • become more accurate and efficient with managing inventory in its warehouse,
  • significantly decrease the amount of time processing tax accruals and further automate processes across the company.
Blue Link ERP helped Creager Mercantile automate the calculation of Tobacco tax, manage mix and match inventory quantity pricing and better serve customers with mobile sales tools. “We have increased online orders and sales orders (orders via phone and email) by 50% because we now have the ability with Blue Link to track them.” - Zach Taylor, Vreager Mercantile

Learn more at the Blue Link website.

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