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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Lasko Manages Mother Nature’s Unpredictability With QAD’s Enterprise Edition

Lasko Products, Inc., a family-owned business based in West Chester, PA has been manufacturing and distributing electric fans and ceramic heaters for over 100 years. Due to the unpredictability of the seasons, Lasko depends on their high-quality inventory management system to keep their customers cool — and warm, during the right time of the year.

One of the biggest challenges Lasko faces is the unreliability of the seasons and how that can affect inventory. This means it’s imperative they have an inventory management system in place. Lasko sells to all the major, big-box retailers and these retailers are very price-sensitive. Lasko has to differentiate themselves from their competitors with changes in style and functionality, all while keeping the price low and never sacrificing on quality. Another reason for careful planning, scheduling and a strong inventory management system.

Lasko has been a QAD customer for almost 20 years and took advantage of the long-standing relationship to upgrade to QAD’s Enterprise Edition (EE). The EE upgrade provided enhanced inventory management, financial and reporting capabilities — all of which improved Lasko’s planning and scheduling capabilities.

With the help of QAD's consultants, Lasko was able to upgrade to EE with no down time and immediately experienced great benefits including:
• The elimination of at least 50 percent of the previous customizations
• Robust general ledger reporting capabilities
• Multiple databases consolidated into one master database
• Twenty years of data have been cleansed and realigned
• Finance has better capabilities and report generation has improved in ease of creation, content, accuracy and timing.

To read more, and learn about QAD's Enterprise Edition (EE), as well as other products and services, visit the QAD Newsroom.

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