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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Merrow Sewing Gains Opportunities With Kenandy Cloud ERP

Merrow Sewing Machine Company of Fall River, Massachusetts began as Merrow Mills back in 1838—the country’s first manufacturer of knitted cotton goods. The company is also credited with inventing the overlock stitch—and the sewing machines to mass produce it—which is what still holds together most of the garments we wear today.

For a small business, Merrow is a complicated one. In addition to manufacturing thousands of different sewing machine parts that are distributed in 65 countries, it also is continually building custom sewing machines for a variety of customers and applications. The high levels of complexity and costs of customization were becoming economically challenging - until Kenandy Cloud ERP entered the picture.

“Kenandy has made it possible for us to deal with all the challenges of a major, multinational company but with the structure of a small business,” says Charlie Merrow. “It’s been an unbelievable change for us—a game change. We’ve been able to improve performance with a small staff, which simply wasn’t possible with our prior ERP systems.”

In addition, Kenandy has given Merrow unprecedented visibility across its business, enabling enhanced efficiency, increased productivity, and better decision-making about current operations as well as future opportunities. “One of the most remarkable things about Kenandy is that it lets us really see what’s going on in our business,” says Merrow. “We have Kenandy running on three 50-inch flat-screens in our big lobby space. Plus, in each department, there's a giant flat-screen with dashboards showing what's going on in that particular area—how many invoices need to go out, for example, or what packages are shipping. We've never had access to information of this breadth and depth before.”

Rather than being constricted by the limitations and unwieldy requirements of their prior on-premise ERP systems, Merrow can use Kenandy to seamlessly leverage information and resources that enable the company to grow and prosper. “Kenandy enables us to focus on the business challenges that allow us to grow and make money rather than on the problems of dealing with software,” says Merrow. “... since we’ve implemented Kenandy, we’ve spent the last year focused on growth. It’s a very different use—a far better use—of our resources, of our people.”

To read more, visit the Kenandy Newsroom.

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