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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Absolute Value Yields Tremendous Results For Phoenix Mecano

Phoenix Mecano Inc. operates three distinct distribution divisions and associated profit centers in the United States.

Rose+Bopla Enclosures manufactures an extensive line of off-the-shelf enclosures, machine control enclosures, and suspension arm systems. RK Rose+Krieger provides frameworks, linear products, and clamps for another group of customers that use those components to assemble their final products. PMI Dewert, the third division, manufactures a full range of single and dual linear actuators, handsets and control systems used in motion furniture(beds, tables, chairs), medical, long-term care, physical therapy, and industrial applications.

Each division has its own unique customers with different business and software needs. Because of long lead times when purchasing from sister companies overseas, customers were often left dissatisfied due to insufficient resource planning.

When the collaborative team at Phoenix Mecano determined the current limitations were hindering growth, they identified core problem areas and chose to address them with a software solution from Absolute Value. Like most companies, PM USA saw a decline in their sales during the 2009 global economic downturn, but by using Absolute Value to stock more appropriate inventory, the team was able to take their inventory value down by 35%. Within a few months of the implementation the team was able to realize the additional following benefits:

• Reducing stock inventory part numbers from 4,000 to 2,900 items, while increasing customer satisfaction.
• Eliminating costly off-site storage space, while opening up 30% of their existing warehouse space to be able to re-engineer the formerly congested traffic flow in the warehouse.
• Reducing warehouse staff by 55%.
• Significantly reducing air freight bills, previously caused by not being able to accurately predict key component needs on a timely basis.

Absolute Value has roots in the Distribution Software Industry that are extensive, with specific strength in Forecasting and Replenishment. To read more about the implementation, and learn more about their products, visit the Absolute Value Case Studies section of their website.

The Brown Smith Wallace 2014-15 Distribution and Manufacturing Software Guides are currently available for download. Please contact for more information about these latest editions.
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Saturday, August 23, 2014

2014 Top 100 Logistics IT Providers

Inbound Logistics’ annual logistics IT research survey uncovers the latest trends powering the supply chain, and reveals the Top 100 sector leaders.  Read more here:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Save Money, Improve Service with I.B.I.S. Transportation Management Systems (TMS)

Transportation Management Systems (TMS) are becoming a necessity as companies of all sizes face increasing demand for faster delivery, unpredictable costs, and complex options available from transportation providers.

These day, smaller shippers are able to take advantage of the convenience and efficiency of electronic bidding and tendering and participate in TMS-based transportation management endeavors right along with their larger competitors thanks to TMS packaged software especially designed and priced for the mid-sized market.

Cloud-based TMS can be coupled with optional services that can supplement a company’s own shipping department, adding ‘big company’ capabilities on a as needed basis without having to hire and maintain full-time staff.

Companies that use TMS typically experience the following:
• Reduction in overall transportation costs
• Faster selection, tendering, and delivery
• Increase in operations effectiveness – doing more with less time
• Enhanced transportation options, resulting in better service
• Reduction in unexpected costs and billing disputes
• Improved customer service and delivery performance

To learn more about the features found in TMS solutions, and how I.B.I.S. can positively impact your business, visit the I.B.I.S., Inc. News Blog

The Brown Smith Wallace 2014-15 Distribution and Manufacturing Software Guides are currently available for download. Please contact for more information about these latest editions.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

CMP Cuts Costs and Powers Growth With NetSuite

Based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, CMP Corporation is the world's largest independent manufacturer of aftermarket compressor parts for refrigeration and HVAC units.

Implementing NetSuite was a core component of CMP's lean manufacturing initiative, aimed at eliminating waste. Since the initiative began in 2009, CMP has netted a 26% increase in revenue while growing the business across 95 countries. NetSuite was selected as the Cloud ERP solution of choice for several reasons:

1) NetSuite aligns with CMP's Kanban system for inventory optimization, which resulted in a 90% reduction in back orders, worth over $300,000.

2) NetSuite's flexibility allowed CMP to work with partners, Centricity Systems and Intente, to create a unique "Compressor Configurator" which enabled customers to complete entire orders online with automated order processing.

3) NetSuite's cloud infrastructure enabled CMP to reduce its server count from 10 to two while trimming staff and eliminating reliance on third-party IT consultants.

4) The NetSuite Cloud environment eliminated risk of data loss from severe weather or other on-site disasters.

5) NetSuite's inventory management offered the best control over more than 3,000 part types and CMP's 160,000-square-foot manufacturing facility.

One example of near immediate improvement NetSuite provided was that CMP was able to slash its crankshaft production lead time from 85 to 10 days while reducing costs 25%. In addition, NetSuite's Manufacturing Edition enabled CMP to both streamline production and enhance the company's capabilities to efficiently produce work orders, bills of material, assembly management and requirements planning.

To read more about the CMP Corp. implementation, visit the NetSuite Customer Newsroom.

The Brown Smith Wallace 2014-15 Distribution and Manufacturing Software Guides are currently available for download. Please contact for more information about these latest editions.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Acumatica's Cloud ERP Solution for Discrete Manufacturers

There is little doubt that ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems are complex and time-consuming to implement. However, discrete manufacturing operations are complex and require time, effort, and the attention of multiple parties to properly execute. Discrete manufacturing engineers need to set up and maintain bills-of-materials; purchasing needs to acquire raw materials; warehouse personnel need to store, dispense, and keep track of materials; and production needs to plan and schedule manufacturing activities. Finally, accountants need to assign costs to these activities and summarize them in a language and format everyone can understand.

Small and medium-sized manufacturers often do not have the necessary IT infrastructure to install robust ERP solutions. However, a lack of resources does not mean a lack of need for the benefits an ERP system can provide. Cloud computing has made ERP solutions available for smaller businesses, including those utilizing discrete manufacturing operations. Cloud-based ERP can often provide software solutions without the need of IT support staff while providing all the necessary tools for discrete manufacturers to plan, make, sell, and deliver their products - while eliminating manual transactions and improving the flow of information between all parties involved in the manufacturing cycle. Any discrete manufacturing operation is, by its very nature, complex — complex enough to justify the implementation of a robust, integrated ERP system.

Small and medium-sized discrete manufacturers should consider simplifying their processes and reduce costs via the cloud. Learn more about Acumatica’s cloud-based ERP for discrete manufacturers, visit the company's newsroom.

The Brown Smith Wallace 2014-15 Distribution and Manufacturing Software Guides are currently available for download. Please contact for more information about these latest editions.
2014 Distribution Software Guide: 
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