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Monday, May 13, 2013

Should E-Commerce Be A Part Of Your Distribution Strategy?

The biggest star in distribution today is e-commerce. Customers want it and distributors need to have it to survive in a competitive business atmosphere. But, studies show that many distributors generate no revenue from e-commerce, while others have no plans to even enter the e-commerce market.

What should distributors consider when planning a move into e-commerce? First and foremost, find a trusted business partner. Developing your online ordering system is not the job you want to assign to a newbie. E-commerce provides great competitive exposure to your company — exposure that comes quickly and is completely open to the world. You need professional help to manage that. This isn’t just programming a website so it works. How do you decide what products to feature in your electronic catalog? What’s your pricing strategy? 

Your primary objective with an e-commerce platform is simple: increase profits. Your existing customers want to do business through an e-commerce system, and they’ll go somewhere else if they can’t do it with their existing supplier. New customers want the same thing. To learn more about integrating e-commerce into a distribution platform, read more on the Advanced Distribution Software website.

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